Groupon Employee Spotlight:
Samuel Garcia Rio

Employee Spotlight | April, 2024

Meet Samuel, a Groupon veteran since 2011! From tackling customer queries to now shaping self-service strategies, he's the go-to guy for all things Operations. We're lucky to have him with us! 🚀 Outside of Groupon, Samuel indulges in hobbies like gardening and whipping up delicious desserts 🌱🍰 

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role at Groupon. 

Hi! I'm Samu. I'm part of Groupon Operations at Groupon with focus on developing a self-service support strategy for our customers and managing both Customer Service and Merchant Operations.

How did you get started in your career, and what brought you to  Groupon?

I began my career at Groupon in 2011 as a Customer Support Agent, managing emails and phone calls. Later, I advanced to a Team Leader position and explored other areas within Operations. Due to my curiosity, I learned about the various tools and processes used across multiple departments at Groupon, which greatly helped me identify areas for improvement. 

What's the most exciting thing happening in your department right now?

We are experiencing an exciting time in our department! Last year, we revamped numerous tools and outdated processes. This year, we are focused on enhancing the self-service options for our customers and merchants. Additionally, we are working to reduce issues with the tools used by our agents. 

Describe your team in three words.

Collaborative, Agile, Knowledge!

What's a fun or interesting way your team collaborates or bonds together?

Although we work on several projects at the same time, we always find moments to have fun and remember "old times" at Groupon :D

What's the best piece of advice you've received from a colleague at Groupon?

“Never assume!” (Thank you Barbara Weisz, our SVP of Sales & Ops!) 

Share a memorable moment, project or event from your time at Groupon.

I can't choose just one memorable moment, but when I transitioned from working solely for Groupon Spain to covering the EMEA region, it was incredible! And the Green Award! 😀

Which of Groupon's values do you feel most in tune with, and why?

Customers! It has been my focus during all these years at Groupon! 

Can you share any tips for staying productive and motivated?

Be curious, focus on what's important, take a break if you need one and have fun at work even during difficult times! 

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

While I need to exercise more, I truly enjoy spending time with my family and dogs! 

What is one non-work activity or hobby that you're into? 

I love gardening! and I prepare very good desserts, if you pass by the Madrid office you can try them! 

What’s one thing about you that surprises people?

My age 😛

What was the first Groupon that you even bought, or experienced?

Wow! In 2011 a restaurant in Madrid! 

Rapid and Fire Questions

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have three items, what would they be?

Knife, camping tent and a fishing pole.

If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be?


What's the most embarrassing song on your playlist that you secretly love?

Well, my playlist is very diverse and you can find from Taylor swift, Lady gaga, AC/DC to Disney.... but maybe Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) :P 

If you could only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pizza or Sushi.

What was the last book you read?

I'd love to say the third Patrick Rothfuss book, but while I'm waiting I've just finished Lord of the Rings again and I'm reading Wheel of Time! 📚

If you could time travel to any era, past or future, where would you go?

Future, to see a spaceship! 🚀

What's the most unusual talent or skill you have?

I do crochet! (Right now I'm crocheting a 150 cm dinosaur :D) 

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Da Vinci! 

What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to TV shows or movies?

Love Anime, Star wars, Star trek, LOTR.

And finally, what was the last Groupon you bought?

It was for testing our migration of Goods 3WT to Salesforce, An inflatable chair with LED light.