Groupon Employee Spotlight:
Nandhini Kandasamy

Employee Spotlight | October, 2023

Explore our special edition spotlight interview with Nandhini Kandasamy, a Team Lead at Groupon since 2015, and invaluable member of our incredible Customer Service team based in Chennai.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role at Groupon. 

I was born and brought up in the wonderful city of Chennai (India); happily married and looking forward to living life to the fullest and fulfill what I missed all these years. 

I am one of the Team Leaders from the wonderful Customer Support team; and here are few of my core responsibilities: 

For me the values of integrity, resilience and being true to oneself are key - that is me in short.

How did you get started in your career, and what brought you to  Groupon?

Despite being an Engineering graduate, I started my BPO career from Ajuba then I moved to Merit then I arrived at Groupon. To be honest, during a rough patch, I stepped into Groupon as a short term career move; however, the moment I got here, I knew that I was going to get to a great position and build my career with tons of learnings every minute. I have been here for 8 years and counting! :)

What's the most exciting thing happening in your department right now?

The transition from Zendesk to Salesforce as a CRM.

Describe your team in three words.

Never ‘I’, ‘always ‘We’

What's a fun or interesting way your team collaborates or bonds together?

Share a memorable moment, project or event from your time at Groupon.

Successful implementation of my Kaizen Project ‘Creating a specific queue for Resolver Contacts’ with an annual savings of $13,700.

What's the best piece of advice you've received from a colleague at Groupon?

Never trust anybody to the core.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Planned day off at least once every 2 months with minimum 2 consecutive days paired with a week off - travel to places with minimal cyber activity, rejuvenate and come back - start fresh. Make sure not to work on weekends unless it is very urgent.

Can you share any tips for staying productive and motivated?

What is one non-work activity or hobby that you're into? 

Traveling to different places with my husband where there is much less human intervention.

What’s one thing about you that surprises people?

Paintings that I do on glass, canvas, mugs, etc.

Rapid and Fire Questions

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have three items, what would they be?

Lighter, knife, water.

If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be?


What's the most embarrassing song on your playlist that you secretly love?

I am not just a pretty girl” - Maggie Lindemann.

If you could only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Cuisine from my most favourite chef - my husband

If you could time travel to any era, past or future, where would you go?

Past - to Egypt and meet Queen Cleopatra and see the pyramids.

What's the most unusual talent or skill you have?

Talking with my mouth closed 🤐

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

As a working woman from the state of Tamilnadu (India) - it would definitely be E.V. Ramasamy (Periyar) to talk through his revolutionary thoughts and deeds in person.

What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to TV shows or movies?

A large tub of popcorn - I have gone to movies that I hardly remember to just munch the tasty popcorn 🤤!

What was the last book you read?

Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi 

And finally, what was the last Groupon you bought?

UCI Cinema Tickets 🎥